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The wheels on the bus will soon be moving

June 7, 2021

Keep an eye out for upcoming trips.

The minibus will be operational again for community trips from July. We are putting together a leaflet detailing the locations to be visited and we hope you book to join us. Seat availability will vary depending on bookings, as seats will be allocated to ensure social distancing. Please call the minibus number to book a seat for an excursion.
Some of you may be aware that we had to review the viability of keeping the minibus or make the decision to sell it. We have chosen to keep it for another year, so your support of the minibus is vital. Whether it’s booking onto an excursion, volunteering to drive for the excursion or offering to help with cleaning and maintenance, we welcome all offers of help.

The Minibus is also now available for private hire once again. Our online calendar and hire forms are not operational at present so please email or call the minibus number. 
June 7, 2021
Good news! Your NatWest banking van is returning to Boscastle. The usual Friday service will re-start from 4th June stopping at the car park between 1:45pm until 2:30pm. Please observe new social distancing measures of one in and one out of the van, sanitise and mask up. Welcome back to the village!
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